Here's the list of common combinations:
If car already has an ECU capable of paddle shift (most modern ECUs like DTA, MoTeC etc) and electronic throttle (drive-by-wire), you don’t need the GCU and you can take the actuator with integrated valves, so it’s:
Air Compressor + air bottle with all accessories: 720 EUR
Steering wheel paddles with subplate for dished or flat steering wheel: 375 EUR. WRC paddle is +275 eur. Spiral cord is +50 EUR.
If car already has an ECU capable of paddle shift (most modern ECUs) and mechanical throttle cable throttle, you don’t need the GCU, but you need valve block and blip actuator:
Air Compressor + air bottle with all accessories: 720 EUR
Steering wheel paddles with subplate for dished or flat steering wheel: 375 EUR. WRC paddle is +275 eur. Spiral cord is +50 EUR.
Gearbox actuator (without integrated valves): 175 EUR
3 Way Valve block: 650 EUR
Downshift Throttle Blip Actuator: 210 EUR (Standard). Inline, cable pull-type is +50 EUR.
Total: 2130 EUR + VAT + shipping.
If car doesn't have an ECU capable of paddle shift, but has electronic throttle (drive by wire), we can supply gear control unit + gear actuator with integrated valves:
Air Compressor + air bottle with all accessories: 720 EUR
Gear Control Unit (GCU) + 2m wiring + USBCAN interface: 1000 EUR
Gearbox actuator (with integrated valves): 720 EUR
Steering wheel paddles with subplate for dished or flat steering wheel: 375 EUR. WRC paddle is +275 eur. Spiral cord is +50 EUR.
Total: 2815 EUR + VAT + shipping.
If car doesn't have an ECU capable of paddle shift, we can supply a standard gear actuator (valves not integrated) + gear control unit + valve block + mechanical cable throttle:
Air Compressor + air bottle with all accessories: 720 EUR
Gear Control Unit (GCU) + 2m wiring + USBCAN interface: 1000 EUR
3 Way Valve block: 650 EUR
Steering wheel paddles with subplate for dished or flat steering wheel: 375 EUR. WRC paddle is +275 eur. Spiral cord is +50 EUR.
Downshift Throttle Blip Actuator (inline, cable pull): 260 EUR